Moon Rising, ISO 200, 1/200, f4.0, 300mm
I couldn't resist another night with the moon. The full Buck Moon rose on July 22 and I drove west towards corn fields to find a good location to shoot it without obstruction. Past the fields I found a high point -- a Target parking lot -- and stood there to shoot. Ironic that I drove away from town only to find myself in the most ubiquitous of Minnesota locations. The first shot was still early in its ascension (or our rotation).
Clouds Filtering Moon's Light, ISO 200, 1/20, f4.5, 300mm
I drove back east towards home, stopping in the oddest of places to take photos. I love seeing the moon when it's still lower on the horizon. And finally, the standard, but still "ah..." shot before calling it a night.
And Full, SO 200, 1/200, f6.3, 300mm