The Big White Box

December 12, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Once I saw this idea, I was all in! I wanted my own big white box.

I don't quite have the carpentry skills needed to build such a box (though I have all sorts of nifty tools including a circular saw), so I asked a good friend who has his own tools and enough carpentry skill to pull it off. 

Let the building begin. My budget was $150 for materials and I came in pretty darn close. 

Finally built! The box is 40x40 inch square, 28" deep. It sits on a base that is 16" off the ground and it has casters so you can roll it around -- it is heavy. We built the box on a cold but sunny December day, hauled it into the studio, and then painted it. 

The concept: take a set of photos and then build them into a super cute collage. Key to success is to get folks to "relate" or "connect" to the people that will appear around them. (This, it turns out, takes a bit of coaching on my part!)

Interestingly, I thought the building of the box would be the most difficult part of the project.

But it turns out, it is perspective. As a studio photographer, I have lights and props and all that. But the angle that I shoot INTO the box matters. Trigonometry class was a long time ago and figuring out where to put the camera (mounted on a leveling tripod) was challenging. 


Some people have been asking about the details -- it's one box. You get in it. With props. Anything goes. Even tutus. Or tiaras. Or party hats. Or puppies. Or confetti. Ya gotta love confetti....

And then the fun begins......



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